Lynx and Lamb Gaede (scroll down this site to Prophecy of the Flowers for the source of their names), twins, thirteen, folksy musicians, White race activists. Read from some of their interviews:
"Please tell me the significance of the name Prussian Blue: Part of our heritage is Prussian German. Also our eyes are blue, and Prussian Blue is just a really pretty color. There is also the discussion of the lack of "Prussian Blue" coloring (Zyklon B residue) in the so-called gas chambers in the concentration camps. We think it might make people question some of the inaccuracies of the "Holocaust" myth.
What do you think is the most important social issue facing the white race right now? Do you have any songs that address this issue? Not having enough white babies born to replace ourselves and generally not having good-quality white people being born. It seems like smart white girls who have good eugenics are more interested in making money in a career or partying than getting married and having a family. And yes, we are working on some new songs about this issue."
"They need to realize that this is not a game and that it is serious business even though it can also be fun to be around other racially aware people. A lot of young people like to dress in a way that gets them attention because they don’t know any other way to feel proud of themselves and special. Sometimes the way they dress doesn’t make them look as attractive or handsome as they could be. We think that they should work to look as good as possible by working out and dressing nice to show that people who are White Nationalists are not scary, but good people. The way that you look and act is activism in a way because you represent your family your beliefs and your race. You are a walking talking advertisement and our young people are the best advertisement so they need to realize this."
Listen to one of their songs here. And while you're ordering their cd from Resistance Records you can also order a copy of Ethnic Cleansing: The Game.
Just after I'd discovered the Prussian Blue twins yesterday, Netflix brought American History X, which honest to God I knew nothing about and had forgotten I'd queued. Weird coincidence. Intense. Some reviews called the film didactic--I find it predictable--but Edward Norton is phenomenal. Also: he put on 30 pounds of muscle for this role. I guess you knew that. I'm late everywhere I go.