an image diary

"And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be? ... You'd be nowhere. Why, you're only a sort of thing in his dream! If that there King was to wake you'd go out -- bang! -- just like a candle!"

"Hush! You'll be waking him, I'm afraid, if you make so much noise."

"Well it's no use your talking about waking him when you're only one of the things in his dream. You know very well you're not real."

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

postcard from the road # 2: holiday inn, tucumcari


outdrove the tornado warnings surrounding Springfield, MO. For several hours plowed through forty mile an hour winds and the kind of rain that drops inches in a few hours. My hands are sore today from gripping the wheel. Accidents all over the road, nothing visible. I didn't think about being alone, not then. I thought about driving west and south where the drought might bring us a dust storm instead.


Springfield: Joplin: Tulsa: at exactly 1:39 pm the clouds opened up and the sun shone down on Romulus and me. Before the clouds cleared completely, one grinned at us. Big torn eyes and a big torn mouth. Then it dissolved into a big blank sky.


Road trip food is brilliant orange and green. Cheetos and Diet Mountain Dew.


That white car tailing your ass because you don't move fast enough at 85, the one passing you on the right before you can do 90 or move over?

That's a cop.


Tulsa: Oklahoma City: Texahoma: Oklahoma slipped into Texas unannounced, but somwhere before the border, I bought a baseball cap that says "Native Pride" and has the entire state of Texas embroidered on the front of it in red white and blue and many many feathers. I bought it because I was driving into the sun and my blinder was useless, but I'm beginning to like it.


Those giant windmills are eerie. Anybody know what they are, really?


Other sights from the road: the Largest Precious Moments Gift Shop in the World, the Largest Cross in the Western Hemisphere, and Twilight Church whose yard served both the human dead and the bovine feeding.


Amarillo: New Mexico: and now we are in Aztlan.


Bird and sun this morning. I am whole again.


"and what is the use of a book...without pictures or conversations?"

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what o'clock it is


live flowers