an image diary
"And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be? ... You'd be nowhere. Why, you're only a sort of thing in his dream! If that there King was to wake you'd go out -- bang! -- just like a candle!"
"Hush! You'll be waking him, I'm afraid, if you make so much noise."
"Well it's no use your talking about waking him when you're only one of the things in his dream. You know very well you're not real."
Monday, February 13, 2006
Dinner with N tonight, my other N's husband,
while my other N is away at a writing retreat in Virginia. We eat the beautiful fish my other N cooked before leaving and finish a bottle of okay red table wine I bring with me. Bella, the blonde beauty with the pink-brown nose and mustard eyes is so eager to visit she puts her paws on my chest and barks from the other room when we've forgotten her. I am most like her in most things and wonder how anyone can tolerate such doggedness. So fixed in my working seclusion here that when N asked after the faculty meeting what I planned for dinner I didn't know, but thought, well, something I need to do, what? And couldn't say. I hadn't planned: I will take a long bath or channel surf CSI or brush my biting cat or wipe counters and dust, or sort papers to grade, or put on my silly slippers and black and pink satin pajamas and wind down with an antihistamine and Dante and sleep until 3 or 4 in the morning. Then prep for class, I don't know what. I drew the usual blank crisis that occurs to me each day when the rush of the long work day closes, when I don't know what I'm supposed to do. And what I thought was: write. Eat your other N's food with N, then send your other N another poem. The third this week? But N is such wonderful company, I am sated and looking towards bed. My other N will not yet get another poem before she returns from Virginia. Oh the grading I must do tomorrow before poems, but the poems are here again suddenly, and so puppy awkward and puppy innocent I can't wait to get home to them and see them list to one side and have their new feet fall out from under them. How long can you keep them as babies? I don't know--this is all new to me--but the right answer right now is for as long as possible.
"and what is the use of a book...without pictures or conversations?"
[contact me:]
so she set to work
what o'clock it is
live flowers
all about fishes
- 42opus
- ::swink::
- able muse
- acentos review
- agni
- anti-poetry
- barrow street
- beloit poetry journal
- black warrior review
- blackbird
- blue collar review
- born magazine
- BronzeWord Latino Authors
- campbell corner
- catch
- coconut
- conduit
- conjunctions
- constant critic
- contemporary poetry review
- copper nickel
- cybergraphia
- diagram
- drunken boat
- eleventh muse
- eucalyptus
- exquisite corpse
- fascicle
- fence
- georgia review
- gutcult
- h_ngm_n
- horse less press
- image
- jacket
- janus head
- kulture vulture
- la petite zine
- latino poetry review
- literary salt
- locus novus
- lodestar quarterly
- mcsweeney's
- memorious
- milk
- mipoesias
- mudlark
- n+1
- new england review
- no tell motel
- octopus
- order and decorum
- oxford magazine
- past simple
- pilgrimage
- poetry daily
- pool
- prairie poetry
- rhino
- shampoo
- skanky possum
- slate
- slope
- spork
- sulfur
- tarpaulin sky
- terrain
- the page
- third coast
- third factory
- three candles
- tin house
- typo
- verse
- verse daily
- virginia quarterly review
- web del sol
- wicked alice
- word for word
- zone 3