Many thanks to Jordan Davis for sending readers over the last three days while I was thinking aloud in real time. To Suzanne and C, gratitude and much love.
Alone in the house with a little loud Modest Mouse.
postcard: Knox College
Our own Bob Hellenga is reading this Friday from his new novel, Philosophy Made Simple, at 4 p.m., March 24, in the Alumni Room of Old Main, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois. The reading is free and open to the public, so if you're in the area, come and hear. See the full announcement for more details about Bob (one of my favorite colleagues) and a bit about Knox.
Things As they Are, or the Adventures of Caleb Williams:
"and that, if those errors of thy life be known which thou so ardently desiredst to conceal, the world may at least not hear and repeat a half-told and mangled tale" (emphasis mine 434).
Spring term. Ten weeks, counting down. And then I will go home. To Glenda and Chris and my babies. You know those people just put in a pool? And a hot tub. A HOT TUB. Seriously. I'm suffering just mentioning it.