We need some sun around here, some blue sky, that's why.
And boy am I tired.
postcard: Knox
(I'm going to miss it again this year)
~~Prairie Fire: It is spring and Knox’s fancy turns to thoughts of lightin’ it up at the prairies. Yes it is time for the annual controlled fire to maintain the prairies at Green Oaks. This year we are scheduling the fire for Saturday April 1. If it is too wet or windy, we will move to Sunday April 2 for the fire. Weather permitting here is the schedule: 1 pm – hand out equipment, listen to safety talk, then start burning South Prairie. If we have time we will also burn Woodcock Field. The fires will be followed by some brush clearing. About 4 pm we will light a bonfire and start a BBQ. We will provide soft drinks and items for the grill (meat and veggie). All are welcome to come help with the fire. If you do come to help, you must dress sensibly – wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts you don’t mind getting muddy and ash-covered, wear heavy boots, bring a bandanna to cover your mouth, and bring work gloves if you have them. You should wear natural fibers like cotton or wool as they are not terribly flammable – polyester polartec fleece tends to melt and is not a good choice for working a fire. You should bring some water to drink as the fire gets hot and the fire work can make you very thirsty. If you have questions, please contact Stuart Allison at x-7185 or via e-mail at sallison@knox.edu. For directions, please check the website: http://www.knox.edu/greenoaksdirections.xml. Remember, to be the Prairie Fire you have to do the Prairie Fire.
"And that's the question, isn't it? How to institutionalize the tradition of having a diverse student body? Not just in the mission statement, but in the culture itself?"
Weeping in the car on the way to pick up film after leaving the office because I'm so tired I can't remember what I need to do and I'm sure I'm going to forget to do it, even to put it on the list that's out grown the pages of my book which makes me feel dull when I look at it. Great administrators: can they be forged? Hammer me fine, then, while you're at it. Don't just stand there. Do something useful while you're hitting me.
I don't know where it went. There's just enough left to pour over Blake.