Wonder if there's time to stop and buy M&Ms for the kiddies and pick up my photos? Doubtful. They're not going to be happy about it. Remind me again: why Childe Harold? Why Byron, for that matter.
But it seems I ought to do this:
Just a reminder that I will be leading a bird walk at the Green Oaks Field Station on Saturday at 8 am. We will be walking for some hours and a couple of miles, if you so desire, but people have the option of turning back at any time that is convenient for them, so there is no fixed ending time. In a few spots there have been some biting insects, nothing serious by my Canadian standards, but if you are bothered by bugs you might want to bring along some insect repellent. The weather forecast looks promising - partly sunny and moderate temperatures. Please feel free to e-mail if you have any questions.***
Jim Mountjoy