And after a bath I put on a movie to quiet my noisy head and spread out on the floor with many pillows and a blanket and fell asleep and woke once when my neighbor rang my doorbell around 7 p.m. to ask about getting wireless in the house and again around 1 a.m. when I remembered to get off the floor and to crawl into bed, and though usually so much sleep would have me up and making tea by 3 in the morning, when the alarm went off at 4, I was in a dream I can't remember now--something anxious but also beautiful--and I hit the snooze and slept through it for another hour. Now there is sweet milky tea and a bit of last morning darkness and a tub of warm water and The Cenci to look at before getting to the office to do many things I ought've taken care of this weekend. Week nine. Now it gets crazy.
I will tell you about the Momotombo Press events. Hang on.