I want to go.
Dear Oblates, future Oblates and friends,
We wish to propose the idea of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in late November or early December 2007 for 10 to 12 days. It is just an idea at this point but in order for it to become a reality we need to know if there is enough interest to pursue the idea. The cost would probably be somewhere between $2500-3000, depending on the number of people interested in going.
It would be a pilgrimage in the spirit of the Community, led by a priest (maybe Fr Joseph Mary?!) and possibly another Brother. This would include daily Mass, times of adoration, spiritual talks, etc.
Please let Fr Joseph Mary know if you are interested--by April 15, Divine Mercy Sunday, at frjosephmary@yahoo.com
May God bless each of you as we enter into Holy Week.
In Mary,
Fr Joseph Mary
Colorado Springs: in a luxury suite with a fireplace, dressing room, and view of the mountains from the patio. A surprise. I'm here on college business. Who'da thought they'd think a great room to sleep in is necessary?