week one, first day of school
Lightning without a rumble, and general, as if it stormed all night and is now settling into pacified, involuntary, after-long-sobbing hiccups. It is very dark, darker than usual, and I'm unable to say why, I notice. Cloud cover, haze in the few lights I see. My little potted tree blocks my view of the building clock, so I notice the tree needs turning. I notice I wake later since the time change and am not sleepy at night. That I must settle into bed with big dense books. That on the worst nights the incantatory rosary is calming and brings sleep eventually. But I am not anxious, not now. Though I have two new classes to teach this morning and a life's confession to prepare in the coming weeks. It is scheduled. Holy Thursday. For Karen: the portrait you watched my confessor avoid all night. He looked away from me at last, embarrassed, and hid the glass of wine between his hands.